Monday, May 9, 2016

Creating Allen Keys in Solidworks CAD

Hi, my name is Iris. I am currently a High School student learning Solidworks CAD.  In the following steps I will explain how I was able to model an Allen Key set by using Solidworks.

Question. What are Allen Keys?

Answer: Allen keys are used to tighten or loosen socket cap screws.

Question. What are socket cap screws?

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Creating a Vintage Craftsman Magnetic Tip Screwdriver

Creating a Vintage Craftsman Magnetic Tip Screwdriver

Today is February 16, 2016 and i am going to explain how I was able to make the tip screwdriver by using solid works. 

Q1. What is a Vintage Craftsman Magnetic Tip Screwdriver?

Q2. How many times and what features did you use for this project?